Christmas Brunch Reminders
1. We want YOU to be there! We are looking forward to a wonderful morning with each of you. If you can't make a food dish, forget your auction item or run late DO NOT let that stop you from coming!
2. Everyone brings food, YUM! We meet in the Worship Center which is off the gathering place where the computers are for checking in and getting your name sticker. Seating is open so feel free to come in and sit wherever!
3. Silent Auction. Bring those awesome auction items to donate. You may drop them off Tuesday morning if that helps. Don't forget your checkbook/cash in case you want to buy something:) Questions, don't hesitate to ask your DGF. All proceeds help us take the caregivers out for a nice meal at the end of the year.
4. If you can help your little ones make a Christmas Card for their teacher & helpers at MOPS that would be awesome. Nursery, 1's, & 4's have six caregivers in the classroom, 2's & 3 1/2's have five, 3's have four & the 5 and up class has three.
5. For those of you who have little ones 3 & up, you maybe have heard them humming a new tune. They will be performing for us during the morning. Carrie Taylor takes care of everything and all you have to do is take them to their class as normal.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mom's Night Out without Kids!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Ready to get to know your MOPS friends a little better, to hang out with moms and enjoy a few laughs & great mexican food? Join us for a Mom's Only Night at El Rodeo in Greenfield. It is located on Highway 9 in front of Home Depot. As always you can come late, leave early and/or bring a friend.
Look for us in the large room off the main area to the left of the kitchen if you are looking at it.
Leave a comment and let us know if you are coming so we know how big of a table to get! We already have at least 17 moms coming who signed up at the meeting!!! Questions, contact Cathy S.
Monday, September 13, 2010
It is here,
Our First MOPS meeting of the 2010-2011 year
September 15, 2010
9 a.m.
Park Chapel Room 200
Questions or Concerns do not hesitate to call your
Discussion Group Facilitator or Stacy
Can't wait to see you!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
It is here.....
This Wednesday at 7 pm
Park Chapel Christian Church
Room ***207/208***
Leave the children with the babysitter & come enjoy an evening of snacks and friendly competition! You don't need to bring a thing!
Contact Jessica H. with questions.
Leave a comment and let us know you are coming so we have enough snacks!
If you are new to MOPS join us 30 minutes earlier at 6:30 for a quick orientation meeting. Not required but we would love to meet you!! Questions, contact Kristy S.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Lunch & Play at the Park
Play at the Park
Monday, Aug. 30th
Brandywine Park
900 E. Davis Road, Greenfield
11 am
Bring a sack lunch and put the kids in play clothes. Feel free to bring a blanket or chairs for your picnic. There are some picnic tables. The play equipment is great for preschoolers, it is the equipment moved from behind the post office. Plus, there are not usually ducks! Feel free to bring a friend! Contact Cathy S. if you have questions.
Leave a comment and let us know you are coming!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Coffee & Dessert at Starbucks
Saturday, July 31, 2010
If you have not registered for the 2010-2011 MOPS season, you must do so by July 31 in order to keep your spot! After that date, your MOPPETS space will not be guaranteed and if you need childcare, you will need to request to join the waiting list. If you have turned forms in but have NOT paid then you are NOT registered unless you specifically contacted the finance team about a scholarship. Confidential scholarships are always available but do not carry over each year. Just be sure to let Kristy S. know before the July 31 deadline if you need a scholarship.
Download the registration form (on the right-hand side of this blog) and return it by July 31 along with your check for $23.95 payable to MOPS. You may deliver or mail to Kristy S. If you can't remember if you've registered or not, we are happy to verify that for you. If you are unable to return to MOPS in the fall, please responding accordingly to help us with our planning. Remember, Mom's Night Outs and playdates are always open to you even if you cannot return due to your schedule. Hope to see you all again this coming season! As always, feel free to contact Kristy S. by e-mail or phone.
Download the registration form (on the right-hand side of this blog) and return it by July 31 along with your check for $23.95 payable to MOPS. You may deliver or mail to Kristy S. If you can't remember if you've registered or not, we are happy to verify that for you. If you are unable to return to MOPS in the fall, please responding accordingly to help us with our planning. Remember, Mom's Night Outs and playdates are always open to you even if you cannot return due to your schedule. Hope to see you all again this coming season! As always, feel free to contact Kristy S. by e-mail or phone.
Janet F. is hosting a water playdate at her house! She's renting an inflatable slide, so it will be LOTS of fun! Dress you kids in their suits, bring a chair, towels, sunscreen, and pack a picnic lunch if you'd like!
Friday, August 6th
Noon - 3 p.m.
Check your e-mail for Janet's address and phone number!
Leave a comment to let Janet know you are planning to be there! Hope to see you there!
Friday, August 6th
Noon - 3 p.m.
Check your e-mail for Janet's address and phone number!
Leave a comment to let Janet know you are planning to be there! Hope to see you there!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
MOPS Family Outing to Victory Field
This Sunday, June 25th
Indianapolis Indians at Victory Field vs. Charlotte Knights
Game starts at 2 pm
Tickets are $9 at the door for adults & $8 for kids 14 & under
Bring the whole family for a fun afternoon. Marla is aiming to be there at 1:15, and will be in the left field lawn area. Just look for her when you get there or call her cell. You will want to get downtown early to park and get to the stadium for your FREE Indians Jersey Pillow (first 2500 fans)! Check out the "Knot Hole Club" online at for the kids.
We can have coolers on the lawn! Here is the info off their website:
Fans are welcome to bring blankets and coolers into the Ivy Tech Community College Lawn Seating Area (see Coolers & Containers). Chairs, sun umbrellas, carts and balloons are not permitted and will need to be returned to the owner's vehicle. Fans are not to loiter around or enter the "batter's eye" (pine tree area) as it may interfere with the play on the field.
Coolers and other carry-in containers are permitted in the lawn area only and must be less than 18" in length. Coolers larger than 18" will NOT be permitted and must be returned to the owner's vehicle. Fans with coolers must enter through the designated Cooler Check Gates in center field or right-center field.
Alcohol is sold at the stadium but we are asking that this please be a fun, alcohol-free afternoon for all the MOPS families. Thank you!
Let us know who is coming so Marla saves enough lawn space!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Dinner tonight is HAPPENING!
Jennifer has graciously invited us from her backyard into her home. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
An Evening with MOPS friends!
Mom's Night Out
Tuesday, July 20th
6:30 pm
Join us for dinner at Jennifer S's home. Bring a dish to share and a lawn chair. Come and enjoy Jennifer's beautiful back yard with your MOPS sisters. Check out your Summer Calendar for directions.
Please leave a comment letting us know you are coming so we have enough paper products & drinks!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Water Play Date Cancelled
Carrie is going to have to cancel the water play date this Thursday, July 8th due to a funeral! Thanks for understanding. Would love to see you each Monday for a walk on the Pennsy or on the 20th at Jennifer's Home!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Last-minute playdate!!
Icely and a few MOPS friends are meeting at the Brookville Road Church play area TOMORROW morning, JUNE 25TH at 9:30 a.m.! Anyone is welcome to join them!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Fun
Playdate at Stacy B.'s House
Tuesday, June 29th
10 a.m. - Noon
Tuesday, June 29th
10 a.m. - Noon
Join us for a morning of just letting the kids play! You don't have to come up with an activity for the kids to do or be outside alone watching them play, you can come and hang out with us! All you need to bring is a lawn chair for you to sit and chat (ok, we know with preschoolers you will be getting up some!). You may also want to bring sunscreen and drinks for the kids! Marj will be headed to Mozzi's after the play time if you want to join her for lunch. Huge thanks to Stacy B. for opening her backyard to us!
Leave a comment and let us know you are coming!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Congratulations to Karen!
Congrats to Karen C. for winning the Planet Mom tote bag for filling out her evaluation. Her lucky name was chosen at random. Sorry we didn't announce this at the brunch! Thank you so much to all who completed their evaluations. We will be looking the suggestions starting this weekend as we already plan for the fall!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
DINNER! at El Rodeo
May 27th
6:30 p.m.
You know you have missed your MOPS friends! Join us for a Mom's Only Night at El Rodeo in Greenfield. It is located on Highway 9 in front of Home Depot. As always you can come late, leave early and/or bring a friend. Questions, contact Cathy S.
Leave a comment and let us know if you are coming so we know how big of a table to get!
Monday, May 17, 2010
First Annual MOPS Cornhole Tournament!
and Pitch-In
June 8th
6:30 p.m.
Rain or shine!
Rain or shine!
Find a babysitter, make a dish, and join us for a FUN, mom's only evening! We will be forming two mom teams and seeing who has the best cornhole arm! Even if you don't want to play cornhole, come and enjoy the food and friends. If you have never played cornhole, Cathy S., aka in the cornhole world, "The Closer" will be able to get you ready for the tournament in minutes! Check out your "MOPS Summer Activities" calendar for all the details.
Leave a comment and us know how many plates & cups to have ready!
New MOPS Activity!
Missed Make a Mess Day?
Or have an older child who really wanted a cool tie die t-shirt like their sibling? Jessica H. has you covered! She saved the left over tie die chemical and is giving you one more opportunity!
Thursday, May 20th
Noon until 3 p.m.
@ her home
She will have everything BUT the white shirts! BYO shirts!
Feel free to contact Jessica with questions or if you really want to make one but can't make Thursday. After Thursday, the chemical goes down the drain:)! Thank you, Jessica!
Or have an older child who really wanted a cool tie die t-shirt like their sibling? Jessica H. has you covered! She saved the left over tie die chemical and is giving you one more opportunity!
Thursday, May 20th
Noon until 3 p.m.
@ her home
She will have everything BUT the white shirts! BYO shirts!
Feel free to contact Jessica with questions or if you really want to make one but can't make Thursday. After Thursday, the chemical goes down the drain:)! Thank you, Jessica!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Walking on the Pennsy Trail
ALL fitness levels welcome! Grab the stroller for the kids!
Starts Monday, May 17th at 9 am.
Meet in Center Street Parking area.
Call Renita with any questions!
Who is enjoying a walk with friends? Leave a comment and let us know!
Starts Monday, May 17th at 9 am.
Meet in Center Street Parking area.
Call Renita with any questions!
Who is enjoying a walk with friends? Leave a comment and let us know!
Make a Mess Day!
Bring the kids and make a mess with chalk, painting, bubbles, & tie-dye! Park Chapel's Parking Lot. Dress the kids in old clothes. Bring shirts if you want to tie dye. Rainy Day activities will be held in the gym if the weather doesn't cooperate.
Who's coming? Leave a comment and let us know.
If you would like to help or have a messy activity idea let Deanna know ASAP!
Who's coming? Leave a comment and let us know.
If you would like to help or have a messy activity idea let Deanna know ASAP!
Friday, April 30, 2010
BOOK: Five Star Families, by Carol Kuykendall
What Kind of Family Does a Mom Want?
Loving? Loyal? Growing? Faith-filled? How about all of the above?
Before children entered your life, did you dream about the kind of family you wanted? And have those lofty dreams come crashing down somewhere between managing chaotic schedules and refereeing sibling squabbles?
As a mom, you have lots of dreams for your family--and the influence to make them come true! But it's hard to balance the widening gap between dreams and reality, so Five-Star Families will help you focus on the five qualities that matter most: LOVE, FUN, LOYALTY, GROWTH, and FAITH. With real-life examples, Scripture references, and practical yet fun advice, Carol Kuykendall will show you how to express and experience each of these qualities to the fullest. Her powerful insight and thought-provoking questions will inspire you to become a family who wants to be together, grow together, and stay together--a family who will shine from one generation to the next!
- 4 Wednesdays in a row, beginning May 19th, 9-10:30 a.m.
- Meet at Park Chapel
- Childcare provided
- Led by Denise Evanoff and Marj Jack
- Cost: $3.00 for the book
SIGN-UP for this study by posting a comment to this post, or at the Spring Brunch!
What Kind of Family Does a Mom Want?
Loving? Loyal? Growing? Faith-filled? How about all of the above?
Before children entered your life, did you dream about the kind of family you wanted? And have those lofty dreams come crashing down somewhere between managing chaotic schedules and refereeing sibling squabbles?
As a mom, you have lots of dreams for your family--and the influence to make them come true! But it's hard to balance the widening gap between dreams and reality, so Five-Star Families will help you focus on the five qualities that matter most: LOVE, FUN, LOYALTY, GROWTH, and FAITH. With real-life examples, Scripture references, and practical yet fun advice, Carol Kuykendall will show you how to express and experience each of these qualities to the fullest. Her powerful insight and thought-provoking questions will inspire you to become a family who wants to be together, grow together, and stay together--a family who will shine from one generation to the next!
- 4 Wednesdays in a row, beginning May 19th, 9-10:30 a.m.
- Meet at Park Chapel
- Childcare provided
- Led by Denise Evanoff and Marj Jack
- Cost: $3.00 for the book
SIGN-UP for this study by posting a comment to this post, or at the Spring Brunch!
Our Spring Brunch is always a wonderful celebration! It will conclude another fun and successful season of MOPS. The morning will also give us a chance to say goodbye and celebrate our graduating moms, Lisa K. and Beth S.
Here's what you need to know:
* Bring a FOOD DISH to share, and a serving spoon with your name on it, please! (As always, if you are unable to bring food, we want YOU there more than your food!!)
* MOPPETS caregiver appreciation! The teachers LOVE to receive pictures or cards made and hand delivered by your children!
Number of caregivers in each classroom:
Nursery: 8
1's class: 6
2's class: 4
2 1/2's class: 5
3's class: 4
4's class: 7
5 & up: 6
* Book cart items need to be returned and marked off the check out list. If there is a book you would like to borrow for the summer, this can be arranged; simply let Stacy know.
* Register for MOPS of Park Chapel for 2010-2011! Early registration price is $21.95 until May 21, and $23.95 after that. In order to reserve your spot for next year, we must have both completed registration forms and your check payable to Park Chapel MOPS prior to August 1st! After August 1st, we will transition into open registration.
Here's what you need to know:
* Bring a FOOD DISH to share, and a serving spoon with your name on it, please! (As always, if you are unable to bring food, we want YOU there more than your food!!)
* MOPPETS caregiver appreciation! The teachers LOVE to receive pictures or cards made and hand delivered by your children!
Number of caregivers in each classroom:
Nursery: 8
1's class: 6
2's class: 4
2 1/2's class: 5
3's class: 4
4's class: 7
5 & up: 6
* Book cart items need to be returned and marked off the check out list. If there is a book you would like to borrow for the summer, this can be arranged; simply let Stacy know.
* Register for MOPS of Park Chapel for 2010-2011! Early registration price is $21.95 until May 21, and $23.95 after that. In order to reserve your spot for next year, we must have both completed registration forms and your check payable to Park Chapel MOPS prior to August 1st! After August 1st, we will transition into open registration.
Friday, March 26, 2010
This is such a neat way for moms & Moppets to give to the community! Next meeting, April 7th, we will be assembling the bags to donate to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Feel free to bring as much as you can or if you don't have any of this stuff on hand please don't fret, WE STILL WANT YOU TO COME TO MOPS without it! What to bring if you are able:
Cake mixes
- Icing
- Cake toppers
- leftover, unused plates, napkins, party hats & favors (YES, we want those three Bob the Builder napkins or two leftover princess blowers. We will combine to make sure there is enough in each bag)
- new plates, napkins, etc. (Dollar stores are great places to find some of these)
- Gift Bags
You can also bring a completed bag. Maybe you can shop with your kids, as a family service project, and get everything you need for a child's birthday. What a neat opportunity to talk with your older preschoolers about giving. A complete bag would at minimum have a cake mix & icing. It could also have 8 plates, napkins, party favors, etc. Theme bags are of course fun (Colts, all pink, Thomas the Train, Princess, etc.).
Do you have a past birthday bag story to share?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Have you alphebetized your spice cabinet???
Is the theme song to Wow Wow Wubbzy playing over and over in your head???
Did you shed a few tears when you found out MOPS was cancelled???
WHEN: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd at 7:00 pm
7428 EAST 500 NORTH
We would love to have a great turnout! We'll be creating 3-4 cards and they will cost $1.00 each to make. We need to have an accurate count of ladies attending
so that we have enough supplies. However, if you are unable to RSVP, come anyway! Please leave a comment if you are planning to attend or feel free to call Susan at 414-6047 to RSVP.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
February 3 MOPS Meeting: Service Project
During our creative activities time at our February 3rd meeting we are going to assemble boxes for our service men and women that are currently deployed. Amy Yang’s (fellow MOPS mom) husband and the 5 men that are with him are our priority and if we can do more we will support those of Park Chapel that are also deployed. If anyone else in our group has immediate family currently deployed we would love to add them to our list!!
Boxes from USPS will be supplied and we are asking for all moms to bring as many items that they can to our Feb.3 meeting. We will pack as much in each box as we can, as it is a flat rate mailing fee no matter what the weight of the box. If you would like to donate for shipping just let us know!
Possible Items:
Inspirational letters or cards of well wishes,
baby wipes (soft packages for packing),
Yummy Stuff :
CHOCOLATE, candy, gum, mints
(this helps to pass the time on LONG all-night patrols,
individually wrapped candies are great!!) , salty snacks (individually wrapped crackers, reg. flavored Pringles,
flavored beef jerky other than original, etc.),
powered pre-sweetened drink mixes (like the tubes of
Crystal Lite and Power—type drinks to be added to their BORING bad tasting water)
Thanks so much for helping !
Questions? Contact Jennifer Sickels
Boxes from USPS will be supplied and we are asking for all moms to bring as many items that they can to our Feb.3 meeting. We will pack as much in each box as we can, as it is a flat rate mailing fee no matter what the weight of the box. If you would like to donate for shipping just let us know!
Possible Items:
Inspirational letters or cards of well wishes,
baby wipes (soft packages for packing),
Yummy Stuff :
CHOCOLATE, candy, gum, mints
(this helps to pass the time on LONG all-night patrols,
individually wrapped candies are great!!) , salty snacks (individually wrapped crackers, reg. flavored Pringles,
flavored beef jerky other than original, etc.),
powered pre-sweetened drink mixes (like the tubes of
Crystal Lite and Power—type drinks to be added to their BORING bad tasting water)
Thanks so much for helping !
Questions? Contact Jennifer Sickels
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Happy New Year 2010!!
It was GREAT to see you all at the last meeting, and we missed those of you that were not able to be there! We had a wonderful time of keeping comfy in our pjs, relaxing, and learning new tips to "renew" each day! Here are a few questions related to our topic that we wanted to post, and hopefully get a good discussion going! Can't wait to hear your great ideas!
1. What are some inexpensive things that you do to pamper yourself?
2. What are your favorite "relaxing" activities?
3. After hearing Mike (the personal trainer) do you have any new fitness or health goals for yourself?
It was GREAT to see you all at the last meeting, and we missed those of you that were not able to be there! We had a wonderful time of keeping comfy in our pjs, relaxing, and learning new tips to "renew" each day! Here are a few questions related to our topic that we wanted to post, and hopefully get a good discussion going! Can't wait to hear your great ideas!
1. What are some inexpensive things that you do to pamper yourself?
2. What are your favorite "relaxing" activities?
3. After hearing Mike (the personal trainer) do you have any new fitness or health goals for yourself?
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