Friday, April 30, 2010


BOOK: Five Star Families, by Carol Kuykendall

What Kind of Family Does a Mom Want?
Loving? Loyal? Growing? Faith-filled? How about all of the above?

Before children entered your life, did you dream about the kind of family you wanted? And have those lofty dreams come crashing down somewhere between managing chaotic schedules and refereeing sibling squabbles?

As a mom, you have lots of dreams for your family--and the influence to make them come true! But it's hard to balance the widening gap between dreams and reality, so Five-Star Families will help you focus on the five qualities that matter most: LOVE, FUN, LOYALTY, GROWTH, and FAITH. With real-life examples, Scripture references, and practical yet fun advice, Carol Kuykendall will show you how to express and experience each of these qualities to the fullest. Her powerful insight and thought-provoking questions will inspire you to become a family who wants to be together, grow together, and stay together--a family who will shine from one generation to the next!

- 4 Wednesdays in a row, beginning May 19th, 9-10:30 a.m.
- Meet at Park Chapel
- Childcare provided
- Led by Denise Evanoff and Marj Jack
- Cost: $3.00 for the book

SIGN-UP for this study by posting a comment to this post, or at the Spring Brunch!

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