Monday, February 28, 2011


This is such a neat way for moms & Moppets to give to the community! Next meeting, March 2nd, we will be assembling the bags to donate to the Hancock County Food Pantry. Feel free to bring as much as you can or if you don't have any of this stuff on hand please don't fret, WE STILL WANT YOU TO COME TO MOPS without it! What to bring if you are able:

  • Cake mixes
  • icing
  • Cake toppers
  • leftover, unused plates, napkins, party hats & favors (YES, we want those three Bob the Builder napkins or two leftover princess plates. We will combine to make sure there is enough in each bag)
  • new plates, napkins, etc. (Dollar stores are great places to find some of these)
  • Gift Bags
  • Any other party supply like candles, streamers, party hats, etc.
 You can also bring a completed bag. Maybe you can shop with your kids, as a family service project, and get everything you need for a child's birthday. What a neat opportunity to talk with your older preschoolers about giving. A complete bag would at minimum have a cake mix & icing. It could also have 8 plates, napkins, party favors, etc. Theme bags are of course fun (Colts, all pink, Thomas the Train, Princess, etc.).

We are also using the time to collect small toys that the pantry can pass out to little ones who may be fussy while their parents shop.  Opened or unopened fast food kids' toys are perfect.

If you have questions don't hesitate to ask Jessica H. or your DGF!

Do you have a past birthday bag story to share?  Post it in the comment section.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that we do the birthday bags each year! I will never forget Nancy Kent speaking to us at MOPS the first year and telling us about the children who would never have a birthday cake if it wasn't for the cake mixes and icing donated to the food pantry! Can you imagine not being able to make a cake for your child to celebrate their very special day??

    Now Nancy and the other wonderful volunteers at the food pantry get to see the excitement on the kids faces when they see the bags up on the shelf, hoping it is what they think it is!


